Dinajpur Govt. Women's College

Welcome to the Department of Bangla!

Dinajpur Govt. Women`s College is a part of heritage and history of Dinajpur. No other college in the country can boast of so beautiful a campus as Dinajpur Govt. Women`s College. Bangla is a prestigious department of Dinajpur Govt. Women`s College which has a long heritage. The department has gone through a long tiring journey to reach the present position. The college was founded in 1966. In 1992 it got affiliated to National University, Gazipur. Since then the department has been conducting different courses as per the regulations of the university. At present Bangla is read as a regular course in Intermediate, Honours course and degree courses. The department has a reach Seminar library containing almost seven thousand books. There are reading facilities for the students in the seminar library. They can also borrow books for a certain period on seminar cards. Along with studies, the student participate in co-curricular activities such as sports, debate, excursion and cultural activities.

The department is housed in the first storey of the arts academic building. The academic proceeding of the department including the classes are conducted in three spacious rooms. Where multimedia projection facilities have been Digital Bangladesh. The department has strengthened its distinguishable position by its academic performance and discipline.


Department Established (Honors) 1994
Head Of The Department Sadia Sultana
Number Of Teachers 07
Number Of Students 493

Present Teachers’ List

Sl #
Teacher’s Name
           Contact #
email Id
01 Moha.Oliur Rahman 00004472 Professor 01746855380           
02 Sadia Siltana 00005880 Associate Professor 01556413877  
03 Md. Saifudden Emran 00017143 Assistant Professor 01717677949  
04 Moktarina 1613413302 Lecturer 01722759873
05 Mst.Jakia Sultana Barna 16134133080 Lecturer 01714513921
06 Md.Samaun Rana Lecturer (Part Time) -01738553311
07 Md. Badruzzaman Lecturer (Part Time) 01755224428
Dinajpur Govt. Women's College
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